Director Paul Irmiter - paul@612im.com - (612) 721-2900
Film Description
Closer Than You Think is an inspiring, first hand look inside the lives of five Cuban artists. Painters, sculptures, musicians.
You're brought along on a journey of discovery into the heart of Cuban culture rarely seen by the outside world.
A true first hand look inside the studio’s of Cuban artists, in the streets as they paint beautiful murals on the walls of Cuba and in musical performances as they play for the Cuban people and record in the studio.
Closer Than You Think is an inspiring, first hand look inside the lives Cuban artists. You're brought along on a journey of discovery into the heart of Cuban culture rarely seen by the outside world.
Director Biography:
After a lifetime shooting photographs and making commercials for the advertising industry Paul found an opportunity to make his first documentary film. His love of art, artists and their process drew him to this project. A self taught director, editor and photographer he brings a unique approach to all his projects and this film is no different. You've seen his commercial work in countless ad’s now you can see his work on the big screen.
Paul Irmiter - paul@612im.com - (612) 721-2900